Qualitative Sozialforschung




Einladung zum qualitativen Methodengespräch mit Özge Yaka

14.11.2019 um 18:00 Uhr

We cordially invite you to the next qualitative methods talk with

Özge Yaka, PhD

University of Potsdam, Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity, and Berlin Institute of empirical research on integration and migration (BIM)

"How highly educated Turkish migrants experience stigma and prejudice in Berlin"

Thurs, Nov 14, 2019, 6-8pm (c.t.)

Institute of Sociology, Konradstr. 6, Room 109 (1st Floor), Munich



This on-going research focuses on the experiences of highly educated young migrants who moved to Berlin from Turkey in the last few years. These young people, who left their country mainly for cultural and political reasons (more so than for economic ones), are coming to Berlin with certain expectations (and often with a critical mind). However when moving to Berlin, they are also moving into a history of migration. This history of Turkish migration to Germany, and the existence of a big Turkish community in Berlin both facilitate and complicate their move. My research aims to investigate the ways in which these high skilled Turkish – and Kurdish – migrants position themselves within Berlin’s multi-layered geographies of identity, which is shaped by promises of freedom and inclusion, but also of established stigma, prejudices and invisible borders. I am interested in how their own multi-leveled identities (ethnicity, gender/sexuality, class/status) affect their experiences, and affected by them. In this particular session, I aim to discuss my use of qualitative methods and specific challenges of insider research, as well as certain themes that are emerging in the first round of data analysis.


 Wir laden Sie herzlich zum nächsten qualitativen Methodengespräch (in englischer Sprache) ein.

Dr. Özge Yaka

Universität Potsdam, Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity, und Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

"How highly educated Turkish migrants experience stigma and prejudice in Berlin"

Donnerstag, 14.11.2019, 18-20 uhr (c.t.)

Institut für Soziologie, LMU München
Konradstr. 6, Raum 109 (1. Stock)