Qualitative Sozialforschung




Participatory research

Participatory research is an umbrella term for collaborative approaches to research that aim to understand and change social reality. We are involved in developing and applying participatory research approaches in the social sciences in Germany:

  • A methods book on participatory research, published in German language by Springer VS Verlag ("Partizipative Forschung: Einführung in die Forschungspraxis").
  • Further publications include:
    • von Unger, H. (2012). Partizipative Gesundheitsforschung. Wer partizipiert woran? [79 Absätze]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 13(1), Art. 7, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs120176
    • von Unger, H. (2012). Participatory health research with immigrant communities in Germany. International Journal of Action Research, 8 (3), 266-287.
  • We offer workshops on participatory research methods, for example with Jarg Bergold at the Berliner Methodentreffen (BMT): http://www.qualitative-forschung.de/methodentreffen/angebot/fw/2018/index.html#PF
  • Past Projects: pakomi (WZB, Berlin)